Tag Youtube

What’s a Boomerang Effect?


A Boomerang’s defining characteristic is that it’s much like karma – what goes around, comes around, and a Boomerang always returns. The idea of a Boomerang effect is that sometimes putting too much effort might lead to an unexpected backlash.…

How to Stop Self Sabotaging


We all face obstacles on the path to success, but what happens if you are your biggest obstacle? When you sabotage your own efforts and projects, you might be getting in your own way. But how can you stop sabotaging…

Start Your Day on a High Note


Are you taking advantage of your mornings? Most people are not. Mornings offer a unique opportunity for peace and quiet, which translates into the chance to get more done. You could be more productive and more creative, or use the…

5 Habits to Become Energetic Instantly


John C. Maxwell once said that “you’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily,” and it couldn’t be truer. When you’re caught in the middle of a busy life, you’ll easily find yourself losing the energy…