Want to Give Your Life a Motive?

A daily routine can wear you down. Eventually, we forget why we are doing what we are doing. But we have to connect with the true motives behind our actions if we want to live a truly satisfying life. Remember…
A daily routine can wear you down. Eventually, we forget why we are doing what we are doing. But we have to connect with the true motives behind our actions if we want to live a truly satisfying life. Remember…
You know what they say about best-laid plans. They rarely tend to work when confronted with reality. That’s normal, but it can generate a lot of frustration. Learning to go with the flow and accept things as they are happening…
Don’t you just wish that you could buy anything without thinking about the consequences later? Unfortunately, that’s not the case for most of us. In fact, a study by the American Institute of Stress in 2019 revealed that 62% of…
You are capable of being creative because each of us humans are wired to do so. But there are times when you might feel that you’re missing that creativity within you, and you’re finding it hard to get it back.…
This is an idea that we see time and again. We tell ourselves that we are too old or too young to try something new. It can go beyond the age, but this feels somehow more limiting. Age is, after…
Disagreements are inevitable. No matter how good or careful you are, there will come a time when you might not agree with someone else’s ideas, opinions or actions, whether it’s a family member, friend or colleague at work. But when…
“Family is supposed to be our safe heaven, but very often it is the place where we find the deepest heartaches.” Lots of families deal with conflicts. Sometimes the dispute arises when there is misconduct between parents. Parents are the…
While we all can understand success in a different way, we pursue it in our lives. But then, especially as we get closer to our victory, we might suddenly get very anxious. Sometimes, we can even sabotage ourselves. While this…
Did you know that on average, human beings spend over 3 hours on their mobile phones every day? The hours increase drastically when you talk about the total time people spend looking at a screen during the day. On average,…
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr. Is one of the most iconic figures of…
We all come to a point when we feel stuck. Everything seems to happen the same way every day, and life becomes monotonous. What should you do then? The first thing you might need is a dose of a new…
It’s easy to give up when the going gets tough. When we’re faced with a difficult task, our first instinct is often to just give up and move on to something easier. However, if you want to be successful in…