Practice Compassion to make Relationships Stronger


“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” ― Dalai Lama XIV Every relationship takes work. We need to nurture the bonds we share with our romantic partners, friends, family members, kids, colleagues, professional contacts, and…

Hate is Taking a Toll on You


With the advent of the Internet, it’s very easy to hate other people. We might get all the hate straight on our social media, all pumped directly onto our feeds. If we already hated some people or ideas, it becomes…

Mistakes We Are Making With Our Time


“You may delay, but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin Our time is precious, because it is the one resource we have that can never be replenished. We can not buy more time. But many people find themselves making mistakes…

Accept being disliked

We are all social beings. This means that connecting with other people is essential for our survival and emotional health. Nobody can thrive with zero human contact, and loneliness has been proven to lead to negative outcomes for our health.…