Is spending on luxury shopping and experience bad?

Luxury is anything that feels special. I mean, it can be a moment, it can be a walk on the beach, it could be a kiss from your child, or it could be a beautiful picture frame, a special fragrance. I think luxury doesn’t necessarily have to mean expensive. – Aerin Lauder

The word luxury has many connotations. Some people see it as a bad, decadent thing. Others see it as aspirational. But even the ways to define luxury can vary. For some people, luxury is buying dessert with a meal. For others, it’s a month-long vacation on the Bahamas. There are a lot of complicated ideas connected to the ways we might view luxury and how important it is. But is luxury bad for you?

What is luxury anyway?

The first thing we need to do before we answer this question is to define what luxury is. After all, when people have such different views of what an example of something luxurious is, how can we agree on it?

We can look at luxury as something that is, by definition, not necessary. Medication is not a luxury. Housing is not a luxury either. Luxury is something that goes beyond the basics. The second element that makes something luxurious is that it also goes beyond the person’s usual means, perhaps by a little, perhaps by a lot.

A luxury feels special, is shinier, it has a nice add-on or a coat of paint that’s not really needed but that feels nice. Now that we have a definition, let’s take a look at the pros and cons. First, let’s consider the downsides of having a luxury experience or product.

The price of luxury

The price is the obvious one. Luxuries are usually more expensive than necessities, and choosing a thing that’s nicer usually means paying extra for the design, the brand, and so on. You might receive a similar product or experience but end up paying significantly more. Luxury might feel nicer but it does not always guarantee a higher quality.

Judgmental looks

The next thing to consider is that luxury can be perceived in different ways by ourselves. We might feel guilt or shame over the luxury item, not allowing ourselves to feel true enjoyment. Additionally, others might also judge what they perceive to be luxury in negative ways.

People who indulge in luxury might be seen as careless or shallow, especially if they are not particularly rich in the first place. Now that we have a good grasp of the downsides, let’s look at the upsides.

Top quality

So what’s the point in pursuing a luxury experience? Firstly, it often does bring a better quality, less inconvenience, and a greater enjoyment. A luxury meal might taste better, a trip can be much more hassle-free.

Luxury can sometimes be linked to bigger, better, and lasting things. Sure, not everything branded as such will be better, but there are plenty of examples where this holds true.

A certain glamour, for yourself and others

Luxury is associated with status. In some places, circles, and professions, luxury can help create and project the right image. It can make you appear more reliable, fit in certain places, or build up a reputation.

Luxury experiences can also feel special. They can help you experience different positive emotions, like joy, relaxation, and more. Luxury can be a treat that helps you feel pampered and spoiled.