Feeds, QuotesValue the person who gives you time, it’s not just time, they share a part of life with you.September 29, 2020Time
Feeds, Life HacksMake Meditation Easy Start meditation with just two minutes a day for a week. If that goes well, increase by another two minutes and do that for a week. If all goes well, by increasing just a little at a time, you’ll be meditating for 10 minutes a day in the 2nd month, which is amazing!September 28, 2020
Feeds, QuotesAs long as you believe in yourself there will always be a way for you.September 26, 2020motivational
Feeds, QuotesNo one will give anything to you, you have to take it on your own.September 25, 2020Life
Feeds, QuotesYou make your life hard by always being in your head. Life is simple, get out of your head and get into the moment.September 24, 2020motivational
Feeds, Life HacksKeeping records of all your expenses will make you aware about your spending habits and will eventually help you save moneySeptember 23, 2020
Feeds, QuotesDon’t waste your time on jealousy, sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind, the race is long and in the end, it is with yourself.September 22, 2020jealousy
Feeds, Life HacksPut a small amount of money aside for unexpected expenses throughout the month. Label this as your miscellaneous category in your budget. That way when something comes up, you can cover it without taking away money you’ve already put somewhere else.September 21, 2020