Affirmations, FeedsI am learning and growing rapidly in a positive direction.August 3, 2022Affirmation
Feeds, QuotesThe universe is gifting me with new opportunities and a happy life.July 28, 2022motivational
Feeds, Quotes“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. “July 26, 2022motivational
Feeds, Quotes“It does not matter how strong your vocabulary is, it’s all vain if your words can’t make happy anyone. “July 24, 2022motivational
Feeds, Quotes“Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple.”July 22, 2022success
Feeds, Quotes“Mistakes don’t make relationships as weak as misunderstandings.”July 20, 2022motivational
Feeds, Quotes“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”July 18, 2022Life
Feeds, Quotes“If you have to introduce yourself then understand that success is still far away. “July 16, 2022success