Feeds, QuotesBe inspired by the success of others, but not intimidated by it.December 13, 2019success
Feeds, QuotesIf the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.December 11, 2019Introspection
Feeds, Life HacksIf you want to know about something from someone, ask them a question and when they are done answering, keep silent and maintain eye contact. They will tell you some more stuff, almost everything.December 8, 2019
Feeds, Life HacksThere’s a cognitive bias called “the spotlight effect” that causes people to overestimate how noticeable their embarrassing behaviour is to others.December 7, 2019
Feeds, Life HacksYou appear more attractive to the other person when you make them smile or laugh.December 7, 2019
Feeds, QuotesIf you don’t learn from the previous lesson. Life will teach it again.December 5, 2019Life
Feeds, QuotesDon’t adapt to the energy of the room. Influence the energy of the room.December 5, 2019Communication
Feeds, QuotesDestiny is what you create for yourself. Fate is when you fail to create your own destiny.December 3, 2019Life