Feeds, Life HacksIt becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.February 27, 2020
Feeds, Life HacksBeing able to think about how we think is a sign of higher intelligence.February 26, 2020
Feeds, Life HacksPeople who stay busy even with pointless tasks tends to be happier than those who don’t.February 25, 2020
Feeds, QuotesDo the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, Do Better.February 24, 2020success
Feeds, Life HacksUsing your non dominant hand for mundane task (eating cereals, opening doors, etc.) for two weeks can improve your self control.February 23, 2020
Feeds, Life HacksTo show other you are heavily interested in their talk – nod. \nWe humans are drawn to others who convey the interest in us.February 21, 2020
Feeds, QuotesYou can’t change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their actions.February 20, 2020Habit