Feeds, QuotesIf you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.April 30, 2020Happiness
Feeds, QuotesHow you make your money is far more important than how much you make.April 29, 2020Career
Feeds, QuotesYou drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.April 27, 2020motivational
Feeds, QuotesMiracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.April 26, 2020perception
Feeds, Life HacksIf you can’t stop your stream of thoughts at night, get up and write them down. This will set your mind at ease so you can sleep.April 22, 2020
Feeds, QuotesThe best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.April 22, 2020fear
Feeds, QuotesIf you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.April 21, 2020motivational