Category Blog

How to stop taking things personally


Taking things personally is a very common bad habit that can make life difficult for us. When we take something as an attack, it can immediately make us defensive, hurting our relationships and our reputation. It also makes us feel…

How to Prioritize Yourself?

Prioritize Yourself

‘Make yourself a priority. At the end of the day, you are your longest commitment.’ Often it’s hard to take time out for ourselves, as we’re too busy looking after other people’s well-being. Our emotions are equally important to us…

What makes you special?

What makes you special?

It’s a cliche to say that everyone is unique. But just because it’s a cliche, doesn’t mean that it is not true. You are unique. You have something that separates you from other people. But do you know what that…

Why Habits are important?


Almost everything we do throughout the day is, in some way, a habit. Eating breakfast, commuting, working, having dinner with the family, exercising, and more are all habits that we do time and again. If most of our day is…

6 Things to know when you fail

Things to know when you fail

We all fail at some point. It’s unavoidable, and it’s not a pleasant experience. We might take a hit to our confidence and self-esteem and wonder if we even have what it takes. But any kind of failure can be…