Category Blog

Signs that you are Growing


Growing is a lifelong process that some people sabotage. We can resist growing up and becoming more mature, and when we do, we tend to limit our lives and the development of our potential. Here are the signs that show…

How to make up after a Fight?


Quarrels are a natural part of relationships. Making up is always the best part. Maureen Johnson All couples have fights. This is also true of other relationships in our lives. It’s likely that we will fight with those around us…

7 Ways in Which We Are Harming Ourselves

harming yourself

“Withholding love is a form of self-sabotage, as what we withhold from others, we are withholding from ourselves.” – Marianne Williamson There is no single more meaningful relationship in our lives than the one we have with ourselves. It’s the…

Do You have an Alpha personality?

Alpha personality?

There are many different theories of personality that help us understand how we tick. One that can be especially useful for people who want to be leaders is the idea of the Alpha personality. What is it about? How can…