Category Introspection

Introspection is like a lantern — it might provide light, but it doesn’t guarantee seeing.

Knowing yourself better results in “stronger relationships, a clearer sense of purpose, and greater well-being, self-acceptance, and happiness.” These benefits can help you in almost every area of life. They’ll make you a better manager, employee, colleague, parent, spouse, and friend.

How to Take Care of Yourself Emotionally

Take Care of Yourself Emotionally

Life happens, and your emotions are the expression of what is happening to you. Over the course of your life, you will experience numerous feelings. Many emotions will be familiar — those that occur on a regular basis and reflect…

6 Habits of Unhappy People

Habits of Unhappy People

Circumstances can certainly make life unhappy. But a part – often a big part – of unhappiness comes from our own thinking, behavior and habits. 6 of the most destructive daily habits that can create quite a bit of unhappiness…

How to deal with Rejection

Deal with Rejection

The first thing to consider is to think about the ways you have dealt with past rejections. Think about those times that you were turned down. Really think about the about these past times of getting turned down, how they…

3 Steps to Overcome Frustration

Frustration. It winds you up and can take so much out of you. Because it not only sucks energy but also distracts you and can steal quite a bit of time. So what can you do? Well, sometimes that frustration…

6 Ways To Truly Master Your Own Mind

Master Your Own Mind

Mastering our thoughts can be one of the hardest, yet most rewarding tools towards experiencing truly fulfilling lives. If you’re reading this, you probably already know that it’s possible to be the master of your own mind, but how often…