Category Habit Building

These articles will help you in the habit building. Habit building is an important aspect of overall personality development.

“The fastest way to success is to replace bad habits with good habits.”

Habits can often be tough to build, as there are plenty of distractions that can lead us off the “straight and narrow” and right back to our old ways. Here we will introduce you to a useful and productive habit and share tips for habit building. Make me Better is a platform will help you in learning to build a transformative life-changing habit.

Stop Expecting from Others

Stop Expecting from Others

Expectations are natural. However, they can do a lot of damage to ourselves and others. Expectations form a wall that limits what we can accept and what others can give us. When we expect from others, we force others to…

Silent Observation and Patience


The world we live in is fast and busy. We always have new content to consume, new information to process, and new decisions to make. But even if the world demands us to make quick choices, sometimes being patient and…

Habits vs routine

Habits vs routine

Our days are often made up of habits that we repeat time and again. This saves time and can work in our favor, but there might come a point when we feel our lives are too monotonous. However, having strong…

How to reclaim your peace of mind

Peace of mind

Having peace of mind is priceless. It allows you to sleep better, cuts down on your stress, and provides you with the opportunity to focus your energy on what’s important. But sometimes it can be hard to reach this peace…

Why Habits are important?


Almost everything we do throughout the day is, in some way, a habit. Eating breakfast, commuting, working, having dinner with the family, exercising, and more are all habits that we do time and again. If most of our day is…

How to calm your mind


What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare? So said William Henry Davies in 1911. More than 100 years have passed and no truer lines were written to reflect our present lives.…