Category Career

6 Effective Ways To Become Rich

Become Rich

Gone are the days when some of the most patronized ways to become rich were to either grow in rank in an established company or start a physical business and expand its reach. Times have changed, and it’s no longer…

The Feynman Technique for learning

The Feynman Technique

Richard Feynman was quite a character. He was a genius physicist who pioneered a whole field of physics, quantum electrodynamics, a philosopher, and a brilliant teacher. While not everyone is interested in physics, everyone can benefit from the technique he…

How to Apply Agile to your Everyday Life


You might have heard the term agile thrown around before. It is a popular concept in software development and project management. It refers to a methodology that organizes the way in which teams work to deliver faster and better results,…

Why Having Fun is Important in the Workplace

fun at workplace

Many people have found themselves in this same situation where we worked all year round for the paycheck and never bothered to focus on what’s just as important- having fun and deriving excitement from their efforts. Yes, there are bills…

How to stop taking things personally


Taking things personally is a very common bad habit that can make life difficult for us. When we take something as an attack, it can immediately make us defensive, hurting our relationships and our reputation. It also makes us feel…

8 Things Smart People Never Do or Say

8 Things Smart People Never Do or Say.

Do you want to show people around you that you’re intelligent and responsible? The best way to do this is to act in a way that is in keeping with your personality and doesn’t cause any controversy or upset to…