Be Where You Are 100%

Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. Bill Keane

All we have is today. This is an old saying, but that doesn’t make it any less true. We need to be in the present because that’s what we have and that’s where we live. The future has not yet come; the past has already gone. The present is what we have.

But how can you be present in the here and now? It’s not quite so easy as it would seem at first glance. Even though we are always living in the present, our minds are constantly wandering away from it to imagine, consider, plan, remember, regret, or worry. So, how can you be more present?

Focus on the sensations

The first way of being more present is through sensations. Focus on what you can see, hear, feel, smell, or experience in the moment. Consider the sensations in different parts of your body and center one at a time.

You can do a body scan – focus on different parts of the body and consider how you are feeling. You don’t need to move or change it unless you are uncomfortable. You can also try focusing on different senses, one by one. Ask yourself what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.

Put the phone away

A smartphone is a constant distraction. The mere presence of your phone near you can keep you checking social media or scrolling through your feed. Notifications distract you from the present and keep you constantly shifting gears.

A good idea is to put the phone away and turn off the notifications. If you can’t put it away or ignore it completely, turn off the notifications for most apps except for the ones you need to mind, like Slack or WhatsApp. You can also put it in black and white mode and turn off push notifications. That makes your phone a less appealing distraction.

Stay focused on your body signals

An important element of being present is paying attention to your body. Consider what signals is it sending. Are you hungry or thirsty? Too hot or too cold? Are you doing OK?
Tracking how you feel emotionally and physically can help you take action when you need to instead of waiting for things to get bad, like feeling faint because you haven’t eaten or exploding in anger because your irritation has been building up. It also is a good way of staying connected to the here and the now.

Some people struggle to remember and pay attention to their body. It helps to set an alarm or download an app that can remind you to do this on a regular basis.

Take your time

Slow down. When you are rushing, it’s harder to pay attention to the present. You are just thinking about your goal and the time it will take to get there. You are not thinking about what’s going on. You are not in the moment.

Slow down. Focus on your experience and let things follow their own rhythm. Take a moment to enjoy them and let them take their time. You might be late, you might be early. Things could go well or not. But, either way, it will happen, and the present moment will never be repeated. Let yourself see it.

Savor the moment

Savoring is a strategy meant to increase your satisfaction with the present moment. It involves not just focusing but enjoying the current situation. It involves slowing down a bit and being immersed in the present, but also doing this with a bit of gusto.

Let the sensations and feelings wash over you, give them precedence. There will be time to worry later. For now, just allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy what is happening.

It’s important to consider how you can be more present in your life, as it is associated with more happiness and greater satisfaction. It also linked to more creativity and improved abilities to solve problems. Being present in the moment is usually something that leads to better outcomes across the board, as, even in bad situations, focusing on the present can help you achieve significant results and also feel better results.