7 Things Must Learn From Children

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” Lady Bird Johnson, We all want to go back to our childhood life and want to relive the moments that we want to, but unfortunately, it’s not possible.…
“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” Lady Bird Johnson, We all want to go back to our childhood life and want to relive the moments that we want to, but unfortunately, it’s not possible.…
“A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future.” A happy relationship comprises various key factors, and these are the tricks of a happy relationship. A happy relationship is based on a secure…
“Think in the morning. Act in the Noon. Eat-in the Evening & Sleep in the night” The hustle-bustle of our daily routines has distressed our lifestyles, and it’s a reason that we don’t have time to rise early in the…
Walking into your friend’s house and raiding their fridge can be considered rude and it’s definitely not where “Act like you own the place” really implies. If done the right, it is one of the surest ways speed up your…
“It doesn’t take much power to get things done, but it takes a lot of strength to determine what to do.” (Elbert Hubbard). Have trouble sleeping? Your workload is keeping you up and anxiety has hit you with full force…
“Be somebody who makes everybody like somebody” You will surely want to be surrounded by positive and energetic people every time especially in your workplace. What if you become the one who motivates others for their benefits? In this mean…
It is often said that we are creatures of habit. This may be true, although habits can change if you are motivated enough. This means that you are not forever trapped; trapped in bad behavior that has allowed you to…
“An organization’s chances at long-term success are predicated on the level of trust it builds with all its stakeholders,” Barbara Brooks Kimmel Establishing a new business is a great challenge as you need to consider a lot of things, especially…
“Your cell phone has already replaced your camera, your calendar, your alarm clock; Don’t let it replace your family” The excessive use of smart devices, especially the cell phones have become common, and almost all of us are addicted to…
“I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.”Larry King Listening is something more than just hearing and essential skill which allows you…