

How to be Confident in Interviews


Are you afraid of an interview? Have you ever experienced elevated heartbeat, sweaty palms, inability to focus, and nervousness before an interview? The interview process for getting a job is one of the most uncomfortable experiences for many people. This…

Your circle determines who you are

Friend Circle

Decide the friends, mentors & leaders you want in your life, in your inner circle, and court them with emotional generosity. Make it matter – Gary W. Goldstein It’s hard to be bold when you are surrounded by people who…

6 Tips to Stay Motivated During Work From Home

Work From Home

Right now, thousands of people find themselves working from home, and it’s likely that going forward, home office will be the new normal for a lot of professionals. This means that we need to find new ways of staying motivated…

Ikigai: Your life Purpose

Ikigai: Your life Purpose

What is your life purpose? Are you happy with the life you have today? If you feel doubt or sadness upon considering these questions, ikigai might be missing from your life. Finding it can enrich your day-to-day life beyond belief.…

The Risk of Always Wanting More

Risk of Always Wanting More

Even though being motivated and dedicated can be a good thing to get ahead in life, there is still a very real danger that people can get so hung up on acquiring things that they never realize that they miss…