

Become First For Everything

become first

“Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.” – Ayrton Senna Do you speak up first? Do you go first in for testing, for an interview, or for other things? Most people prefer to wait and…

We Should Respect Those Who Are Unsuccessful


It’s hard to forget about success because we are surrounded by messages about achieving it. In our culture, success is linked to specific ideas: being rich, being in a relationship, looking fit, traveling, and so on. But the downside of…

Accept being disliked

We are all social beings. This means that connecting with other people is essential for our survival and emotional health. Nobody can thrive with zero human contact, and loneliness has been proven to lead to negative outcomes for our health.…

Creativity and boredom

Nobody likes to feel bored. It is a deeply unpleasant experience. Today, we can do a lot of things to always avoid boredom through our games, music, phones, social media, and more. But is it such a good thing? It…