6 Basic Skills Employers are Looking For in an Employee.

Some skills can help us at any job and that are currently in high demand across fields. These are the skills that employers seek and select for, so it’s worth investing time and effort into improving our abilities. Let’s take a look at what these six top in-demand abilities are.


The first skill is communication. We need to be able to talk to clients and understand their demands, to follow instructions from the boss and make plans with our colleagues. In any job that involves other people, making communication mistakes can be costly, losing time, money, reputation, and more.

How can we improve our communication skills? It’s a good idea to practice both comprehension and expression. How can we make our messages reflect exactly what we want to say? It also helps to become a good listener and actively listen to others and always pay attention to their words and wording.

Eagerness to learn new things

Nobody knows everything. We need to stay in touch with new developments in our field and constantly seek new learning opportunities. Employers don’t want a perfectly prepared employee. Rather, they are looking for a person who is always growing and learning, who is open and willing to discover new things.

How to cultivate this skill? Challenge yourself to learn, whether it’s new skills, hobbies, habits. Always be ready to grab new opportunities and try to be involved in more and more activities that can help you build your interpersonal skills and make you stand out among others.


Creativity is always important. Today, many jobs rely on our ability to solve problems in a new way and to make new ideas a reality. It doesn’t mean that we all should be great artists, but that we should bring our unique perspectives and be able to innovate when we need to.

While some fields are viewed as being more creative than others, the reality is that most jobs benefit from a degree of creativity, whether it’s applied to art, paperwork, interpersonal relationships, or problem-solving.

How can a person cultivate their creativity? Is that even possible? Our creativity doesn’t seem to be an innate trait, but rather something we can nurture. Allowing yourselves to be creative, to try and solve puzzles, to experiment with our ideas is an excellent way of growing our creative potential.

Constructive approach to problem-solving

Problem-solving is required in any job. Whether the printer has jammed or a new type of bacteria has escaped from a lab, we need to face it constructively. There are several aspects to this:

  1. It involves assuming responsibility and being proactive in solving it, rather than trying to pin the blame on someone else.
  2. It means not panicking or freezing, but being able to think even when one gets nervous.
  3. It involves bringing in other people or taking the initiative, acting to resolve the situation in accordance with what is required.


The next skill we need to develop is teamwork. There are few things we can do on our own, and we need to play well with others.

Being a good team member means taking the lead or following instructions as needed, with good flexibility. It means being able to delegate and take on other responsibilities. It means being able to compromise. Teamwork, like problem-solving, is mostly developed through practice, so seeking out situations that allow us to work collaboratively is quite essential.


We live in a world that is shifting very quickly. Could we have imagined so many people working from home twenty years ago, for instance? That means that some fields are growing and changing at unprecedented rates.

Today’s employees need to be ready to adapt to change. You might need to quickly learn to use new software or adapt your services according to new guidelines and market trends. Being flexible and quick to adapt is another highly desirable skill that has a lot to do with our mindset: do we cling to the old ways, or are we always ready to learn something new?.